If you’ve ever been fortunate enough to enjoy a happy childhood, you know just how much joy it can bring. And even if your own childhood wasn’t perfect, most of us can still look back on happier times and smile. But while being a child certainly has its upsides – they are also challenging years with so much change. Going from being a pre-schooler to a teenager in such a short period of time is no small feat. There are so many changes happening at once – both physically and mentally – that it can be challenging for anyone, let alone a child going through these changes for the first time. But fortunately for children who have struggled with any number of difficult circumstances, there are nonprofit organizations like The Make-A-Wish Foundation that give these kids a little extra something special to help them get through their challenging times. About the organizationThe Make-A-Wish Foundation is a non-profit organisation that helps terminally ill children live out their dreams. Since its foundation in 1980 by two parents whose son died of an incurable disease, the foundation has assisted millions of children in the United States and 17 other nations. As of 2018, the Make-A-Wish Foundation has granted over 348,000 dreams in the United States alone. It is one of the most popular charities in the United States and throughout the world. Children between the ages of two and eighteen who have life-threatening medical conditions that can be diagnosed by a physician and express their desires to Make-A-Wish representatives are eligible for wishes. Doctors may prevent certain children from participating in Make-A-Wish activities based on medical conditions. The Make-A-Wish Foundation uses certain criteria to determine which patients need a wish the most. ConclusionThe Make-A-Wish Foundation was founded in 1980 by Sam and Norma Wishes of Phoenix, Arizona, whose son, who was near death from leukemia, was inspired by a nurse to make a wish. He was able to visit his favourite football team’s VIP box at Arizona State University by fulfilling his wish. His will to live was strengthened, and his health improved, as a result of his wish being fulfilled. After this experience, the Wishes decided to help other children have similar experiences. A friend who was a lawyer agreed to join them after hearing their idea. After hearing their idea, the lawyer said, ‘You don’t want a doll. You want a wish to come true.’ On hearing this, they decided to establish a foundation. All around the world there are children in dire need of hope. Make-A-Wish aims to return the hope they lost. |
https://www.worldwish.org/ |